The Coastal Carolina Base will have our annual Memorial Day Observance on Monday, May 31st starting at Noon at the Pavilion at Battleship Park in Wilmington. Please mark you calendars and plan to attend. As you can see by the attached proposed agenda, it will be a busy afternoon and fun for all. The Base will provide the main course (from Smithfield’s Chicken & Barbeque) and attendees are asked to bring their beverages, lawn chairs, a side dish or dessert and plenty of sea stories. You are welcome to bring your families for this fun afternoon.

Please let Bill Underwood know by email if you plan to attend, how many will be in your party and what side dish you plan to bring. I need to get an accurate head count for planning. Also, if you have some yard games, like corn hole or bocci ball, that you would like to challenge some of your friends to, feel free to bring them.

Brother Frank Blackmon will conduct a Memorial Service at the S-28 Memorial and focus in on one of the crew members of the S-28 which went down on the 4th of July, 1944 near Pearl Harbor. It is always a very special and touching way to observe Memorial Day.

At the end of our festivities, Brother Mike Bowers has volunteered to take a small group from our get together on a detailed tour of the USS North Carolina BB 55. Please let us know if you would like to take the tour.

Don’t forget to let Bill know you intentions ASAP and please try to join us for the afternoon!

Coastal Carolina Base of the USSVI

Memorial Day Observance Agenda


Monday, May 31, 2021 at 1200 hours


Battleship Park Pavilion by S-28 Memorial Wilmington, NC
Before Meeting:
• Assemble at the Pavilion and set up tables, Lawn chairs, side dishes, desserts & games – Members
• Sell raffle tickets for Port & Starboard raffle – COB
• Meet and greet members & guests – Members
1230 Luncheon at Pavilion:
• Welcome – Commander
• Blessing – Chaplain Rae
• Pledge to the Flag – COB
• Recognition of WWII member John Potanovic – Commander
• Introductions of Members & Guests – Atendees
• Presentation of Holland Club Certificate – Commander
-Richard Schrum
• Presentation of 2021 Hard Charger Award – Vice Commander
• Recognition of Bob Huth as Associate Member – Commander
• Break for Luncheon
1330 Memorial Day Remembrance at S-28 memorial:
• Assemble at the S-28 Memorial – Members
• Remembrance of CCB Members on Eternal Patrol – Commander
-Butterbean Dixon, George Roderick
-Sally Gudis
• Tolling of the Boats lost in April, May & June – Kesterson/Potanovic
• Submarine Memorial Day Service – Blackmon/Commander
• Adjourn Memorial Service – Commander
1430 CCB Business Meeting at Pavilion:
• Call to Order – Commander
• Approval of Minutes from last Meeting – Secretary
• Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer
• Storekeeper’s Report (Attached) – Storekeeper
• Update on the Float – COB
• Website Update – Frank Blackmon
• Fundraising Possibilities – Kesterson/Backes
• Need Volunteer to Manage Base Facebook Page – Commander
• 2021 Events for discussion
-July 4th Parade and Luncheon Plans? – Commander
-Regular Meeting July 17th at Elizabeth’s o Sponsor Purple Heart Dinner Aug? – Commander
-Azalea Festival Parade Aug 21 – Commander
-Veterans Day Parade Wilmington Nov 6 – Commander
-Luncheon/Dinner on 11th?
-Oak Island Christmas Parade Dec 4 o Wilmington Holiday Parade Dec 5 – Commander
• Port & Starboard Drawing – Storekeeper
Next Meeting:
Next regular meeting July 17th at Elizabeth’s Pizza.
Adjourn at about 1530 hours
Tours of the USS North Carolina BB 55:
• Mike Bowers has offered to take any attendees interested on a very special tour of the Battleship. He said the tour will take 2-3 hours and those interested should wear comfortable shoes.
• The tour will end in time to attend the Official North Carolina Memorial Day Observance on the fantail of the BB 55