Coastal Carolina Base

Submarine Veterans Meeting


April 17, 2021 at 11.30 hours


Applebee’s, 1113 New Pointe Blvd, Liland, NC
This Board Meeting was convened primarily to discuss and organize CCB’s 2021 Memorial Day Observance and Picnic
Call to Order:
12.30 – Base Vice Commander
Kevin Kesterson, Bill Underwood, Barry Turano, Bruce Rae, Frank Blackmon
Base Chaplain
Memorial Day Planning:
Base Secretary
Picnic Planning:
• Reservation of Pavilion – Base Treasurer will reserve the Pavilion at Battleship Park for May 31st.
• Main Dish – Base will provide like did for Mar 20th meeting Barry will pick up and bring to meeting
• Attendees should bring own beverages, lawn chairs, side dishes &/or desserts
• Games – Attendees will be encouraged to bring games like Corn hole, bocce, etc. to play as afternoon progresses
Sequence of the Day’s Activities:
• Noon – Gather, greet, set up and sell raffle tickets
• 12.20 – Call to Order
– Welcome – Commander
– Blessing – Chaplain
– Pledge to the Flag – COB
– Recognition of WWII member John Potanovic – Commander
– Introductions of Members & Guests – Attendees
– Presentation of Holland Club Certificate – Commander
Richard Schrum
– Presentation of 2021 Hard Charger Award
– Recognition of Bob Huth as Associate Member Commander

• 12.30 Enjoy Lunch

• Move to Memorial area – 13.15 start moving chairs to S-28 area

• 13.30 – Memorial Service at S-28 Memorial
– Bruce will open with Prayer with moment of silence for Butterbean, George Roderick, Sally Gudis and Ken Kesterson
– Tolling of the Boats for April, May & June with Kevin reading and Potanovic ringing bell
– Franks remembrance of an S-28 Crew member
-Playing of Navy Hymn and Taps

• 14.30 – CCB Business Meeting at Pavilion

• CCB Business Meeting
– Minutes, treasurers report, Storekeeper report, Update on Float to be given by Barry
– Website status will be updated by Frank
– Charlie & Kevin will discuss possible substitute fund raisers for the base
– Members will discuss future 2021 events for CCB Open Floor
– Adjourn

Logistics for Memorial Service at S-28 Memorial:
• Speaker system – Frank will provide PA, music, etc. for service
• Table for service – Kevin will bring portable table
• Attendees will move their lawn chairs to the S-28 memorial area for this service
• Tolling of the Boats for April, May & June – Kevin will bring the script for Tolling of the Boats and the bell
• Memory of George Roderick, Butterbean, Sally Gudis & Ken Kesterson – Bruce Rae will remember in Invocation
• Involvement of Press – Scott will contact local Press about covering our event.
Future Board Meetings:
Attendees agreed that this Applebee’s was a suitable site for future Board Meetings
Proposed 2021 Coastal Carolina Base Calendar: