Coastal Carolina Base

Submarine Veterans Meeting


July 20, 2019 at 11.30 hrs


Elizabeth’s Pizza, Market Street, Wilmington, NC
Call to Order:
At 11.48 Commander Scott Powell called the Coastal Carolina Base meeting to order and presided.
CommanderScottPowell,Vice Commander Kevin Kesterson, Base Secretary Bill Underwood, Base COB John Williamson, Base Storekeeper Barry Turano, Bob Porterfield, Steve Croom, Jim Brincefield, Dave Delong, Charlie Backes, Bruce Rae, Mike Bowers and guests Arlene Delong.
Bruce Rae gave the invocation and Blessing.
Pledge of Allegiance:
John Williamson led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.
World War II Submarine Veteran Recognition:
No World War II Veterans were present at this meeting.
Introduction of Members and Guests:
Each attendee introduced themselves and their guests and gave their Qualification Date and the Boats on which they served.
Induction of Barry Turano into Holland Club:
Commander Powell inducted Base Storekepper, Barry Turano into the Holland Club and presented him with his certificates, challenge coin, patch and gold hat.

Attendees congratulated Barry for aging to the point at which he has been qualified in submarines for 50 years. Barry qualified on the USS Corporal SS 346 in 1969. Congratulations Barry!

Approval of the Minutes for the Previous Meetings:
MOTION: Steve Croom offered a MOTION to accept the minutes from the May 27th meeting as written and dispense with the reading. Charlie Backes SECONDED the MOTION and the MOTION CARRIED by unanimous vote of the attending CCB members.
Treasurer’s Report:
Terry was not present but submitted the attached Treasurer’s report for consideration.
Storekeeper’s Report:
Base Storekeeper, Barry Turano, reported that he has $455.80 in goods on hand for sale.
Tolling of the Boats:
Vice Commander Kevin Kesterson, assisted by Charlie Backes, conducted the Tolling of the Boats for the boats lost in the months of July & August.

Adjournment for Delicious Lunch

Old Business

Belk Sale Report:
Vice Commander Kevin Kesterson reported that the August Belk Sale is coming up on August 24th. Kevin reported that he raised over $700 at the May Belk Sale just in Jacksonville. Jim Brincefield has tickets for the August sale.
Base Facebook Page Status:
Commander Powell informed attendees that Doug Mays is working on updating the Facebook Page. He said that Doug needs members to email him pictures of Base events to put on the page.
Access to SSN 777 Ship Stores:
Commander Powell informed attendees that Doug Mays has spoken with the SSN 777 COB and has set up a pathway for CCB members to purchase items from the SSN 777 ships stores. Items include mugs, challenge coins, lanyards, etc. Commander Powell said that he would get a list of all the items out to the Base soon.
Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall:
Commander Powell informed attendees that he has volunteered CCB to support the exhibit at Mayfair in Wilmington on Saturday, July 27 and Sunday, July 28 from 14.00 to 20.00 hrs. Volunteers, please let Secretary Bill know ASAP.
Sponsorship of Purple Heart Recipients:
Vice Commander Kevin reported that the annual dinner honoring local recipients of the Purple Heart is coming up on August 10th and CCB has donated $200 to sponsor 2 local couples to attend the dinner at the convention center in Wilmington.
September 21st Meeting Logistics:
Vice Commander Kevin said that he has reserved the room at the Golden Corral in Jacksonville for the September 21st CCB meeting. He mentioned that there are several really nice military memorials within a couple of miles of the restaurant if anyone wants to visit them.
Veterans Day Parade in Wilmington:
Commander Scott informed attendees that the CCB Board decided to attend the Veterans Day Parade in Wilmington again this year and have a Veterans Day Lunch at Elizabeth’s Pizza immediately after the parade. Secretary Bill said he would make the Nov 9th reservations at Elizabeth’s.
Updated CCB Trifold Brochure:
Vice Commander Kevin reported that, based on the Board’s direction, he had 500 of the updated CCB Trifold Brochures made for $295. He distributed at least 5 copies to each attending CCB member.
Replacement Banners for the CCB Float:
COB John Williamson informed attendees that it will cost about $1000 to update and make new banners for the CCB Float. He would like to get the new banners before the Veterans Day parade.
MOTION: Steve Croom offered a MOTION to APPROVE spending up to $1000 for preparation of new banners for the float with smaller versions to be used on exhibit tables. Bruce Rae SECONDED the MOTION and the MOTION CARRIED by unanimous vote of the attending CCB members.
Follow-up on Support for ROTC Programs:
Dave Delong said that he spoke several times at Brunswick County School ROTC programs. Charlie said he has done it at Ashley and Hoggard. Also could use additional volunteers to speak at other area ROTC programs. Dave has a good Navy video to use and Kevin has a good submarine video to help with the presentations.
Port & Starboard Drawing:
Arlene drew Barry Turano’s ticket and Barry won $30.

Open Floor

A Hardy Thank You to Dave & Arlene for Hosting CCB after the 4th of July Parade!
John Williamson led the attendees in thanking Dave and Arlene for so graciously hosting the 4th of July luncheon at their house in St. James after the Southport Parade. Thank you Dave & Arlene!
MOTION: Jim Brincefield offered a MOTION to adjourn the meeting. Steve Croom SECONDED the MOTION and the MOTION CARRIED by unanimous vote by the attendees and the meeting was adjourned at 15.52 hrs.
Next Scheduled Base Event/Meeting:
The next CCB Base Events will be volunteer support of the Traveling Vietnam Memorial when it comes to Wilmington on July 27th and 28th. On August 24th CCB volunteers will help at the Back-to-School Belk Charity Sale and the next CCB regular meeting will be at the Golden Corral in Jacksonville on Saturday, September 21st at 11:30 am. Attendees should plan to arrive at Golden Corral at about 11:00 am to get their meals.

Never Forget!